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We are a close-knit community of clinics and plastic surgeons from all over the country!

The Colombian Association of Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery Clinics, ASOCLICPER (Asociación Colombiana de Clínicas de Cirugía Plástica, Estética y Reconstructiva), is a non-profit organization that emerged during the industry’s health emergency. Our goal is to unite plastic surgery clinics throughout the country, including plastic surgeons in Medellín, Cali, Bogotá and other cities. We work together to position and improve our institutions, focusing on patient safety, quality of care and efficiency.

We constantly seek to implement best clinical practices in the field of plastic surgery, as well as encourage sustainable development and continued growth. Our approach focuses on the innovation of our services, which strengthens business equality and contributes to the country’s economic development and strengthening. 

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Our purpose is to consolidate our association at a national and international level, promoting its sustainable development. We focus on offering services that contribute to improvement, profitability and equality in our industry. In addition, we promote teamwork as a fundamental pillar for the achievement of our objectives.

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sociedad de cirujanos plasticos


Our goal is to be recognized in 2028, both nationally and internationally, as the leading, sustainable and competitive strategic ally, which represents and defends the interests of plastic surgery clinics before the authorities, always seeking their greatest development and competitiveness.


ASOCLICPER is committed to supporting the sustainable development and constant growth of our partner clinics. We strive to be leaders in service innovation, seeking to satisfy the needs of all interested parties. All this, supported by our corporate principles.

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Dr. Álvaro Humberto Arana Núñez

Our president, Dr. Álvaro Humberto Arana Núñez, is a leading figure in the field of plastic surgery. With his extensive experience and knowledge, he leads our association with commitment and passion. Dr. Arana Núñez is committed to the growth and development of our partner clinics, as well as the growth of excellence and innovation in our industry. His inspiring leadership and strategic vision are critical to ASOCLICPER’s success.

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Dr. Álvaro Humberto Arana Núñez is a distinguished active member of various organizations recognized nationally and internationally. These include:

  • Senior Fellow of the Colombian Society of Plastic Surgery/ Sociedad Colombiana de Cirugía Plástica (SCCP)
  • Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery / Sociedade Brasileira de Cirurgia Plástica ( SBCCP)
  • Iberolatinamerican Federation of Plastic Surgery/Asociación Iberolatinoamericana de Cirugía Plástica ( FILACP)
  • The Ivo Pitanguy Ex Alumni Association/ Asociación de Ex Alumnos de Ivo Pitanguy
  • Internacional Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery ( ISAPS)
  • International Confederation for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery ( IPRAS).


The career and experience of Dr. Álvaro Humberto Arana Núñez as a plastic surgeon is remarkable. Below are his positions and achievements:

  • Founder and Medical Scientific Director of the Interplastica Clinic/Clínica Interplastica  
    Cali- Valle Del Cauca – Actualmente
  • Vicepresident – Colombian Society of Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery/Sociedad Colombiana De Cirugía Plástica, Estética y Reconstructiva Santa Fe Bogotá, 2021 – 2023
  • Member, Board of Directors– Ibero-latinamerican Federation of Plastic Surgery/ Federación Iberolatinoamericana De Cirugía Plástica. 2018 – 2020, Lima  (Perú)
  • General Secretary– National Board for the Colombian Society of Plastic Surgery/Mesa Nacional de la Sociedad Colombiana De Cirugía Plástica
    Santa Fe De Bogotá, 2017 – 2020
  • President –Colombian Society of Plastic Surgery-Pacific Region / Sociedad Colombiana De Cirugía Plástica Seccional Pacífico. 2016 – 2019 Cali – Valle Del Cauca
  • Executive Secretary– Colombian Society of Plastic Surgery.-Pacific Region Sociedad Colombiana De Cirugía Plástica Seccional Pacífico 2004 – 2016, Cali – Valle Del Cauca
  • Permanent Member- Colombian Society of Plastic Surgery. Pacific Region/ Sociedad Colombiana De Cirugía Plástica Seccional Pacífico-Vocal   Permanente
    Cali – Valle Del Cauca
  • Municipal Secretary for Public Health-Cali. Coordinator of the Reconstructive Surgery Programs/ Secretaría De Salud  Pública Municipal  De Cali- 1994 – 2004, Cali – Valle Del Cauca
  • Plastic Surgeon, Associate Professor in the Surgical Dermatology Department-Del Valle University Hospital/ Hospital Universitario Del Valle, 1994 – 1995, Cali – Valle Del Cauca
  • Del Valle University Hospital/Hospital Universitario del Valle- Plastic Surgeon and Burn Unit Coordinator 1994 – 1996, Cali – Valle Del Cauca.


Our president, Dr. Álvaro Humberto Arana Núñez, has been recognized and distinguished with numerous awards and distinctions in his outstanding career in the plastic surgery field. Some of these distinctions include:

  • World Award and International Exaltation from the World Association for Excellence in Health for his research, development and application of the breast tissue suspension technique in Mammary Pexia surgeries with or without implants, in Madrid, Spain, May 2017.
  • Vallecaucana Independence Order- Cross of the Knight grade (Orden de Independencia Vallecaucana en el grado Cruz de Caballero) awarded by the Honorable Assembly of the Department of Valle del Cauca, in recognition of his career and contributions to the development of medicine, plastic, aesthetic, reconstructive and maxillofacial surgery in Colombia, in September 2016.
  • Santiago de Cali Royal Medal- Golden Cross Degree (Medalla Santiago de Cali Real Grado Cruz de Oro) for his contributions to medicine from the field of plastic, aesthetic, reconstructive and maxillofacial surgical intervention in Valle del Cauca and in Colombia, in August 2016.

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  • World Leaders in Health Care Award granted by the International Health Confederation in 2010 in Lima, Peru, and in 2009 in Cartagena, Colombia.
  • Vallecaucana Independence Order- Cross of the Knight grade (Orden de Independencia Vallecaucana en el grado Cruz de Caballero). Degree awarded by the Departmental Assembly of Valle del Cauca in December 2010 in Cali, Colombia.
  • Tribute and Exaltation by the Vallecaucana Fashion Chamber for his contribution and exaltation of the Beauty of Valle del Cauca Women in 2009 and 2007.
  • Recognition from the Government of the Department of Nariño for his contribution to the health and well-being of Colombians in August 2000 in San Juan de Pasto, Colombia.
  • Scientific Merit Award awarded by the Junior Chamber of Colombia – Alférez Real Chapter in March 2000 in Cali, Colombia.
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The Colombian Association of Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery Clinics, ASOCLICPER, is duly registered and legally recognized. Our entity operates under the corporate name of ASOCLICPER and has the tax identification number (NIT) 901.422.858-1, as established in our statutes.  passion. Dr. Arana Núñez is committed to the growth and development of our partner clinics, as well as the growth of excellence and innovation in our industry. His inspiring leadership and strategic vision are critical to ASOCLICPER’s success.


Our main address is located in the municipality of Santiago de Cali-Valle del Cauca. However, under the authorization of our Board of Directors, we have the ability to establish branches or chapters in other cities and municipalities within the country and abroad, as well as carry out activities in the aforementioned locations. This allows us to expand our reach and support plastic surgery clinics in various locations.


The Board of Directors is the administrative body of the Association. Its main function is to establish general action policies, define the strategy and objectives, and monitor the results. It also acts as a link between interest groups and the entity in order to guarantee their rights.

The Board is guided by the long-term development and growth of the Association, as well as the clinics and plastic surgeons in Medellín, Cali, Bogotá, and other cities. We work closely to promote excellence in the field of plastic surgery and provide an environment that is conducive to professional development.

Our strategic focus and dedication drives the advancement and consolidation of the Association thus strengthening the position of our associated clinics and promoting their continued success for the benefit of the profession and the patients served.

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President and Legal Representative

Dr. Álvaro H. Arana N.

Vice President and Alternate Legal Representative

Dr. Gustavo A. Arboleda P.

Secretary: Dra. Isabel Cristina Reyes C.

Treasurer: Dra. Patricia Villegas M.

Vocal Ex President: Dr. Jaime R. Arias G


Dr. Marco Aurelio Zambrano

Dra. Olga M. Martínez L.

Dra. Maria Cristina Gonzalez V.

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CR 50 # 9B - 20 Edif. Torres de la 50 Ofic. 216 Santiago de Cali, Colombia
(+57) 315 307 54 63

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